To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

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Home 2015 November

Monthly Archives: November 2015

Must Boomers Take the Rap?


BY FROMA HARROP In the course of human events, many things need fixing. One of them is the cost of Medicare, climbing rapidly as baby boomers enroll in large numbers. We can argue over how to contain this major federal expense, and we should. But assigning blame for the problem on anyone born between 1946 […]

Let’s Break Away from Black Friday Syndrome


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Here comes the holiday season. It’s a month-long season of friends, family and spiritual reflection, and a time to decompress from our usual helter-skelter lives. It kicks off with Thanksgiving: the one holiday on our calendar that’s meant to be a calm, family-oriented time to get away from all the hubbub of […]

One Teacher’s Vision

BY SHARON MARTIN You want a kid to learn vocabulary, read to him. Don’t talk down to him. Explain what words mean...

Oklahoma’s Budget Plan: Rob Peter to Pay Paul

BY DAVID PERRYMAN Borrowing lyrics from Hee Haw, the country music television variety show, a mournful tune wafts through the air between 2300 N....

What Socialism Means to Bernie- and You


BY JOE CONASON Once upon a time, socialists running for president in the United States had to explain that while they had no chance of actually winning an election, their campaigns were aimed at “educating” voters — about socialism. As a successful politician twice elected to the U.S. Senate and showing very respectable numbers in […]