To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

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Home 2015 November

Monthly Archives: November 2015

France Finally Does the Right Thing


BY SUSAN ESTRICH It took them way too long to do it, and it happened in no small measure because of the tireless work of Stuart Eizenstat, who has been at this for years. But France finally agreed to make reparations to American, Israeli and Canadian survivors (and the families of survivors) who were transported […]

Millennials In American Politics

First In A Series BY CHRISTIAAN MITCHELL Every four years, the United States re-enacts one of our greatest cultural achievements: we have a contest for supreme...

Marco Rubio’s Money Problem


BY SUSAN ESTRICH It worked like a charm in the last debate. Marco Rubio knew he’d be questioned about his personal finances. When members of the Senate co-mingle campaign and personal funds, face foreclosures on second homes and are forced to liquidate their retirement funds (and pay thousands of dollars in taxes), it gets noticed […]

Facing the Robot Tsunami


BY FROMA HARROP Robots make the perfect employee. They don’t complain, they don’t get sick, and, as of this writing, they don’t have babies. When robots can do the job in today’s economy, they get the job. When they can’t, a human must suffice. You still need a human to make the perfect latte, ask security […]

Feed My Children

BY SHARON MARTIN In a free and wealthy country, there should be no pockets of hunger. In an age of enlightenment, food should provide nourishment, not...