To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


The Upshot Of Corporate Welfare


It is very hard to oppose handing out the candy to the corporate Canoo’s of the world because good paying jobs are becoming increasingly rare or that, at least, is the argument made in doing so. The other underlying but not always explicitly stated reason is that “everybody does it.” In this case $300 million […]

Republicans Fail to Destroy Obamacare, Lucky for Them


They tried. Oh, they tried. Republicans spent a decade bashing and voting to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. And what did they get for all their trouble? A 7-2 ruling by a conservative Supreme Court to uphold the health insurance program also known as “Obamacare.” For that, Republicans should thank their lucky stars. There would […]

Trump-Nixon and the Abuse Of Power


Richard Nixon put John Mitchell in the Department of Justice for a reason. Donald Trump did the same with Bill Barr. They both were there to ferret out alleged enemies of the president they served, and destroy at a minimum their careers, whether they be elected officials, reporters or other government officials. I was stationed […]

Aging Gracefully

If ever I heard of an oxymoron, that's it. There is nothing graceful about all the medical tests -- and enhanced risks -- that seem...

America Leaps Into China’s Way of Competing


China is America’s economic rival. The way capitalists deal with rivals is to compete. President Joe Biden vows to compete with this rival on the rival’s terms. He calls it “extreme competition.” China has built a massive semiconductor industry with massive government spending. It is about to send another $200 billion to its semiconductor sector […]