To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Friday, July 26, 2024


Looking For Truth

My niece had dinner at a restaurant in Tulsa. She’s a journalist who strikes up conversations wherever she is. The owner’s daughter complained about...

Vance May Help Unite Republicans, But Not The Country

I've known Pat McFerron for nearly 50 years. He's probably the most senior of all Oklahomans who ply the craft of pollster/counselor/consultant and, due...

The Truth About American Oil Production

Thanks to energy producers, from rig hands to billionaire Harold Hamm, our country is energy independent and actually is a net exporter of both...

Unholy Alliance Immolates Planet

What has long been the summer song of the southern plains has gained new listeners; NBC provided the refrain: “Dangerous and record-breaking.” Heat wave will...

Blame Where It Belongs

If and when term-limited legislative leaders unveil plans to seek higher office, remember this: it was they who fiddled while Oklahoma public education burned...