To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, September 21, 2024


Trump The Dude? Not Quite


“Stormy Daniels Put Trump’s Toxic Horniness on Full Display,” read a Daily Beast headline. What has really been put on display is Donald Trump’s desperate need to portray himself as a hunk with an awesome sex drive. He’s done that his entire adult life. Now that he’s an obese man of 77, the urgency to […]

Mind-Blowing Corruption – With More To Come


Nobody likes Big Oil, a monopolistic and heavily polluting industry with a legendary history of abusing its excessive power that can be traced back over the past hundred years. But Donald Trump has promised to be the oil industry’s best friend – if its bosses give him a billion dollars. In the latest instance of […]

Hoo Boy … DeJoy!


Woe is us [the American people] for having our jewel of a national Postal Service saddled with a corporate-minded postmaster general, Louis DeJoy. Formerly CEO of a private shipping contractor, DeJoy’s chief qualification for running this invaluable public service is that he’s been a major donor to Republican politicians – including Donald Trump, who appointed […]

She Said …


She came out of the bathroom and he had stripped down to his underwear. He was waiting for her on the bed. He didn’t ask about using a condom, and he didn’t use one. Afterward, her hands were shaking so badly she couldn’t fasten the straps on her shoes. She didn’t say no, but then […]

Hard Feelings Breaking Things


You know the way Shakespeare created a portrait of a family’s hard feelings in King Lear, his tragedy about a raging, storming English king with three daughters? That play, set in Gloucester, speaks to me now of how Congress and the country are falling apart. It even takes me back to the Civil War. Shakespeare […]