To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable
Should Corrupt Justices Be Redefining Official Corruption?
If the six right-wing dogmatists who now literally rule the Supreme Court wonder why 70% of the American people consider them somewhere between politically corrupt and grotesque, they might re-read their Kafkaesque decision last month perverting the meaning of bribery. Appropriately enough, the case involved garbage trucks. A small-town mayor had funneled a million-dollar contract […]
King Trump
“With fear for our democracy,” Justice Sonia Sotomayor concludes in her brilliant dissent in Trump v. United States, “I dissent.” She is right. Very frighteningly right. After reading what happened at the oral argument, I knew what was coming. The court was looking for a way to carve up the baby, giving some form of […]
Stop Obsessing Over Population
Americans have this big obsession with population numbers. One reason is that reports related to the population come with numbers. Numbers give politicians and journalists something concrete to either agonize or crow over. The problem with this approach is that the numbers don’t necessarily reflect the living reality of people being counted. Americans felt OK […]
Why Louisiana’s Kids Won’t Listen to Their Pious Governor
For us Texans, there’s nothing new about Bible-thumping politicians bedeviling us with the foolishness of their dogmatic Christian piety. A century ago, for example, a proposal was made to offer bilingual education to Spanish-speaking school kids. But it was quashed by the governor, who solemnly declared: “If English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it […]
A Tragedy In Two Acts
MADISON, Wis. — The presidential torch passed from Dwight D. Eisenhower, who seemed ancient at 70, to vigorous young John F. Kennedy, 43, a Bostonian who spoke these stirring words on a bright new day, snow glistening on marble: “Let the word go forth from this time and place … that the torch has been […]