To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable
Great Debates
“Pray for Jack Kennedy,” I said to Bill Clinton, then the governor of Arkansas and lead “spinner” for the 1988 vice presidential debate in Omaha, NE. We had been rehearsing that week in Austin, with Rep. Dennis Eckart playing Dan Quayle, me playing moderator Judy Woodruff, and Texas Sen. Lloyd Bentsen playing himself, the Democratic […]
Steve Bannon And The Culture Of Impunity
Among right-wing Republicans, the impending incarceration of Stephen K. Bannon has provoked a torrent of sputtering rage. “I stand with Steve Bannon!” was the defiant slogan barked by scores of prominent figures on the right, after a federal judge ordered the fascist media personality and adviser to former President Donald Trump to report to federal […]
GOP’s New Plan To Enrich The Super-Rich … Again
Excellent news, people: Republican officials are mounting an all-out political push for a massive cut in our taxes next year! Well … by “our taxes,” they don’t mean yours. Rather, here they come with another absurd sob story about giant corporations and the super-wealthy suffering unbearably from excessive taxation. Claiming to feel the pain of […]
The State Of The Race
The convictions should have made a difference. But did they? I was more troubled by what came out at Donald Trump’s trial than I thought I would be. I had initially thought that the district attorney’s case was much ado about not much. But the trial changed my mind. It was not much ado about […]
Biden’s America Is Doing Fabulously Well
Life is not perfect in Joe Biden’s America, but when was it ever perfect? Just looking at the numbers, though, things are pretty great. Stock prices are hitting record highs. Unemployment is at its lowest level in 50 years. Violent crime – murder, rape, aggravated assault and robbery – has dropped to a near 50-year […]