To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable
Did Legalized Abortion Lead To Lower Crime Rates?
Growing restrictions on the right to an abortion have revived talk of what many still regard as a highly controversial theory. It holds that the legalization of abortion in 1973 reduced the number of unwanted children, who might have been at higher risk of committing serious crimes. And that explained the sharp drop in the […]
Where’s George Orwell Today? Texas!
If you think the GOP’s Congress of Clowns represents the fringiest, freakiest pack of politicos that MAGA-world can hurl at us – you haven’t been to Texas. It’s widely known, of course, that Sen. Ted Cruz, Gov. Greg Abbott and most other top Republican officials here are obsequious Trump acolytes. Thus, Texas is infamously racing […]
Trump’s Luck And Mojo Run Low
At last, former President Donald Trump is on trial, a criminal defendant for election interference, in silencing a sordid brush with Stormy Daniels. The judge, Juan Merchan, made clear he’s in charge here. A harbinger of spring light in the American soul after a long winter occupation? Let it be so. April is turning out […]
This Time, It’s Arizona
Just days after Donald Trump tried to defang the abortion issue, it came roaring back in the form of an Arizona law, passed before women could vote, banning all abortions. Far from resolving the issue, the Supreme Court’s decision to overrule Roe v. Wade has thrust abortion – and the courts – in the thick […]
The Anti-Abortion Right Is Not Into Compromise
Getting rid of Roe v. Wade was sold as a sensible and mollifying approach to the abortion controversy. It would let each state ban or codify a right to abortion in accordance with local culture. This assumed that the end of a constitutional right to abortion was the victory after which “pro-life” conservatives could go […]