To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, January 11, 2025


RFK Jr. Is No Friend Of Free Speech


With every day that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. runs his peculiar presidential campaign, he offers a display of delusional narcissism and feckless duplicity. Aside from drawing attention to himself, Kennedy seems to be trying to ensure the re-election of Donald Trump, provoking the suspicion that he shares Trump’s toxic politics despite his own liberal heritage. […]

A License To Lie


Where does a lawyer draw the line between zealous advocacy of a client’s cause and using his standing as a lawyer as a license to lie? A California State Bar judge ruled this week that former Chapman Law School Dean John Eastman crossed that line in his representation of Donald Trump’s efforts to invalidate the […]

On Exactly What Team Was Ronna McDaniel Playing?


Ronna McDaniel’s conduct following the 2020 election was shocking enough, but NBC’s decision to hire her as a paid political analyst almost topped it. The blowback from the company’s own commentators prompted the executives to turn around and send McDaniel packing. The problem for NBC and its decidedly liberal MSNBC news channel wasn’t that McDaniel […]

Time To Get Rude


When a fox attacks a hen house, is it uncivil for the hens to raise a ruckus? Two Supreme Court justices say it is. Elevating collegiality above social justice, right-wing extremist Amy Coney Barrett and progressive jurist Sonia Sotomayor have jointly been hailing America’s top court as a model of genteel political discourse, claiming that […]

A Tale Of Two Contagions


Real life froze four Marches ago. Clocks stood still. Memory turned into before and after. The Covid pandemic claimed more than a million American lives. We don’t speak of it much, but we carry a deep sense of loss for all we missed. The trips we didn’t take. The friends or lovers we never met. […]