To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, May 18, 2024


The Inequity Of Private-Equity Hustlers


BY JIM HIGHTOWER What are these phantasmagoric money machines that they call “private-equity firms?” They’re much in the news these days, because a fellow who was a private-equity magnate is presently running for president. Mitt Romney piled up a quarter-billion-dollar personal fortune through his Wall Street equity outfit, Bain Capital, and he now claims that, […]

Twenty Years After


BY SUSAN ESTRICH “Bring diapers and wine.” It was 20 years ago. Los Angeles was burning. I could smell the smoke. There were reports that a camera store a few blocks away was on fire. I called my friend who lived in the hills and had a police car in front of her house because […]

Education Replaces Housing As Bubble Machine


BY FROMA HARROP A modern knowledge economy thrives on highly trained workers. The way to get them, obviously, is through education – from basic reading skills for some, to mastery of algorithms for others. It thus would seem a basic public good to provide that learning at little or no cost to students, which most […]

How Dumb Can You Be?


BY SUSAN ESTRICH I went to a strip club once. OK, maybe it was twice. The guys were going; I was curious. It reminded me of the first time I walked into a casino, in a hotel in Reno where I was staying on business. I expected glamour, James Bond look-alikes in dashing tuxedos. I […]

Romney Could Turn A Tie Into A Lead


BY ALEXANDER COCKBURN A medium-sized thunderbolt has crashed down amid the somewhat torpid early stages of the presidential campaign. A New York Times/CBS poll of registered voters, released Wednesday, shows President Obama and the assured Republican nominee Mitt Romney running neck and neck, at 46% each. Only last month the same poll was showing Obama […]