To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, May 19, 2024


Women, Work, Jobs And Time


BY FROMA HARROP To quote “Adelaide’s Lament” from “Guys and Dolls,” “You can feed her all day with the vitamin A and the bromofizz/ But the medicine never gets anywhere near where the trouble is.” That’s the sense one gets from the recent tone-challenged courting of women voters. On the Sunday talk shows, Treasury Secretary […]

Why Good Factory Jobs Go Begging


BY FROMA HARROP Animal rescue once sent me a fabulous mutt. She was usually obedient and heartbreaking in eagerness to please. But I couldn’t get her into the basement. I’d go down the stairs waving an entire bag of treats. With a pained look of indecision, she would not follow. During an earlier life, clearly, […]

GOP Presidential Contenders’ Goofy Greed


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Even though some are out and some are in, the politicians that are/were in the GOP presidential race still are spreading their goofiness around for all the country to see. Let’s start with my state’s gallivanting goober of a governor, Rick Perry. He’s back in the news, with yet another “oops” moment! […]

The President And The Court


BY SUSAN ESTRICH There was much ado about not much when President Obama declared last week that it would be “unprecedented, extraordinary” for the United States Supreme Court to overturn the health care reform law that passed both houses of Congress with substantial majorities. Hasn’t he ever heard of Marbury v. Madison, Chief Justice John […]

Being In A Disaster As It Unfolds


BY FROMA HARROP The most dreadful disasters make us wonder how we would respond were we in the middle of it. That’s especially true of those events that slowly evolve from concern to horror. On the Titanic, almost three hours elapsed between the thud of the iceberg and the final plunge into the icy Atlantic. […]