To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable
The Far Right Wins
Who is Mike Johnson? The new speaker of the House is a far right-winger, an election denier and the symbol of the far right’s grip on the Republican Party. The center did not hold in the selection of the new speaker. The more centrist Republicans – who represent the majority of the Republican caucus – […]
The MAGA Culture Of Menace Is No Surprise
When Republicans claim to be shocked by threats of violence that repeatedly marred their party’s contest for speaker of the House, it is hard to suppress a bitter laugh. The malignant direction of their party over the past several years is no secret – and although many of them are too cowardly to identify the […]
The Secretive Presidential Primary That Excludes You
Are you excited by – or do you dread – the upcoming presidential election season? Either way, buckle up, for it’s only 12 weeks till the Iowa caucuses, and then [zoom!] there’s nonstop voting across America for the rest of 2024. Democracy at work! Well … unless you don’t notice the Plutocratic Primary, where – […]
His Ethics Account Was Empty
Where did Kenneth Chesebro come from? Son of a Wisconsin music teacher, he amassed sterling credentials, a Harvard Law degree chief among them. On paper he was impressive. But then he joined a conspiracy to overthrow the democracy. Chesebro gives credentials a bad name. He applied his legal skills to veil criminal activity under plausible-sounding […]
The Suffering In Gaza
Innocent people are suffering in Gaza. That is a fact. The question is: Who is responsible? The answer is simple and obvious. Hamas is to blame. And only Hamas. Hamas had to know when they invaded Israel and murdered innocent men, women and children, when they burned babies alive and raped their mothers, when they […]