To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Who’s That Hiding Behind The Tea Party?


BY JIM HIGHTOWER The Tea Party spoke! Loudly, powerfully and proudly. But besides, “Throw the bums out,” what did it say? And now that the party part is over and the nasty business of governing begins, what does it all add up to? What’s its governing agenda? How does it make anything positive out of […]

It’s Time To Free Students From Debt


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Butch Hancock, one of Austin’s finest singer-songwriters, grew up in the Texas Panhandle, out among dry-land farmers and strict fundamentalist Christians. Butch once told me that he felt he’d been permanently scarred in his vulnerable teen years by the local culture’s puritanical preaching on sexual propriety: “They told us that sex is […]

Freshman Stress


BY SUSAN ESTRICH Every year, UCLA’s Higher Education Research Center does a national study of college freshmen, some 200,000 in all. This year, the big news is emotional health – or lack thereof. Nearly half of the students surveyed – and more than half of the young women – ranked their emotional health as “below […]

Why Does A University Need A CMO?


BY JIM HIGHTOWER The “ivory tower” of academia has become overshadowed by a new edifice on campus that is reaching ridiculous heights: the tower of mammon. As public universities have been driven by budget-whacking lawmakers to seek ever-more private funding, schools that once prided themselves as being centers of free thinking are increasingly dominated by […]

The Airline Industry’s Fee-For-All


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Big news, holiday travelers! American Airlines has a new family deal for you. If you and the kids are headed off to grandma’s house, Disney World or wherever, American will make an effort to seat you next to each other. Well, that’s not exactly new or special, since most airlines have long […]