To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, May 4, 2024


What Limbaugh Is Really About


BY FROMA HARROP Too bad the Republican candidates had to comment on Rush Limbaugh’s flaming attack on a female law student at Georgetown University. El Rushbo plays troubadour to the party’s right wing from his home in its entertainment wing. The business of the entertainment wing is show business. That means making money off talk […]

Do You Recognize Your President?


BY SUSAN ESTRICH There’s an old saying that hard cases make bad law. The same rule, unfortunately, applies to presidential decisions. What makes a case hard, of course, is when there is no “good” answer. The challenge for the decision maker is to find the least of the bad, the lesser of the evils. But […]

The Angst In Giving Thanks


BY FROMA HARROP Americans typically eat over 1,000 meals a year. But for many, Thanksgiving dinner seems to be the one that, like a magnet, gathers the iron shavings of every food anxiety. Why should that be? You’d think that this feast with family and friends would be accepted for what it is – an […]

Eventually Sequester Will Cause Real Pain – And Among First To Suffer Will Be...


BY JOE CONASON The difference between a natural disaster and a disaster caused by politicians is that the latter will almost always hit the poor and the obscure most heavily, while a hurricane or a flood will at least sometimes spread the suffering more evenly. As the “sequester” unfolds in Washington, we see this same […]

Reality Has Its Risks


BY FROMA HARROP The honchos at A&E, professing shock that an old Southern redneck from their reality TV hit Duck Dynasty made the sort of homophobic remarks one would expect from an old Southern redneck, yanked Phil Robertson off the show. A culture war skirmish ensued. Gay rights groups condemned Robertson, who shared his raw […]