To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Why Are Far-Right Extremists Worshipping John C. Calhoun?


A few days ago, the city of Savannah, GA took an important symbolic step toward racial inclusiveness, naming one of Savannah’s 23 historic public squares for a Black woman. Susie King Taylor, born in 1848 to enslaved parents, became a renowned educator, setting up schools for emancipated children and adults – a laudable role model […]

Obama Tried To Fix The Border. Yes, We Can, Too.


The president most effective at addressing our border crisis was a Democrat named Barack Obama. He did two things: No. 1: He championed a comprehensive immigration reform bill that would have legalized the status of many undocumented migrants already here but also required employers to check their new hires’ immigration status through an electronic database. […]

A 2-Tiered Justice System?


In the past two weeks, four of the leaders of the Proud Boys, who planned and executed the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol, received long prison sentences – ranging from 10 years to 22 years in prison. Those sentences were denounced by two of the leading Republican candidates for president. On Tuesday, Vivek Ramaswamy, […]

Yes, We Can Stop Drug Price Gouging! Here’s How!


We human beings sometimes do some terrible things in pursuit of the almighty dollar. But to our credit, one moral line we humans don’t cross is to profiteer by gouging sick people on the price of medicines their lives depend on. Unless, of course, you count executives of giant pharmaceutical corporations as human beings. Gouging […]

Can AOC Win Back Our Love? Possibly


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been giving interviews of late, serious interviews. The New York representative is clearly maturing. The celebrity-obsessed lefty has turned into a working member of Congress. That’s good for all who want the Democratic fringes to stop attacking their moderates and join them – and moderate Republicans – in preventing a fascistic Trumpian […]