To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


Truth And Irony In Agriculture Fiascos


BY JIM HIGHTOWER The Shirley Sherrod Story started innocently. It was a beautiful anecdote of redemption and personal growth, which she related last year at a meeting of the Georgia NAACP. The story told by this black Agriculture Department official would have ended there, unnoticed by the rest of us. But it was caught up […]

Her First Demonstration


BY SUSAN ESTRICH It’s hard to imagine anyone graduating from high school today, much less college, without being computer literate. One way or another, kids learn how to get online, how to navigate the Internet, how to live in a wired world. Civic literacy is another matter. How many of you know how to move […]

Raise Taxes To Cut Government?


BY FROMA HARROP As the debate rages over letting some of the Bush tax cuts expire, Republicans have raised their starve-the-beast theory from its coffin. They insist that government [the “beast”] can be shrunk by cutting taxes: The less money government has, the less government there can be. Time has not been kind to this […]

How Megrahi and Libya Were Framed for the Lockerbie Bombing


BY ALEXANDER COCKBURN Amid all the bellowing about the release on compassionate grounds of Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi, convicted in the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 in 1988, with 281 dead, all current commentary and congressional hearings ignore the hippo in the room, which is that Megrahi is innocent, framed by the U.S. and British […]

Our Secret Leviathan


BY JOE CONASON Back in the bad old days of the Cold War – when mutual nuclear annihilation was a policy option – a culture of secrecy arose in Washington. What wise observers understood even then was that while governments tried to keep secrets from each other, their chief concern was to keep secrets from […]