To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable
GOP’s Project 2025
When your political opponents push extremist public policies that would be disastrous for America, should you wring your hands in dread … or applaud? Consider “Project 2025,” put together by former Trump administration officials and the Koch brothers’ network of billionaire plutocrats. Their strategy is to win the presidency next year by demonizing all environmental […]
Rudy’s Downfall
RICO. The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act – [RICO] – with its draconian penalties was a favorite of prosecutor Rudy Giuliani in the good or bad old days, when he put away mobsters and Wall Streeters with fierce ambition; he never dreamt he would be hoisted on his own petard. But that’s exactly what […]
What’s Happening To People?
America is the land of plenty, but to many, it’s become a world of envy and anger. Nowadays, malcontents seem to feel more entitled to act out in anti-social ways. Their loss of self-control is most troubling in an airplane, where many humans are trapped in an aluminum tube. The result has been a 49% […]
A Clique Of Rabid Political Veterinarians
Ohio voters scored a big election victory for women’s rights last week! It was a tricky vote, too – deceptively couched as a statewide referendum to approve a little technical change in the procedure for approving statewide referendums. How boring. But Ohioans figured out that it really was a big vote on an underhanded ploy […]
Trump’s Nightmare: A Prosecutor Who Can’t Be Baited
Donald Trump is a malignant narcissist. This judgement has been made by psychiatrists and prosecutors alike. The milder form of the narcissistic personality disorder centers on grandiosity, delusional sense of self-importance and exploitative behavior. The worst of the worst is the “malignant narcissist.” All narcissists lack empathy, but malignant ones have little conscience. They find […]