To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable
The Wage Gap
Everyone knows that men make more money than women do. The wage gap, it’s called. What to do about it is the issue. In New Zealand, they’re trying something new. Counting. And reporting. According to Minister for Women Jan Tinetti, new legislation will require businesses with more than 250 employees to report their gender pay […]
Breaking News: New Life For Local Papers
How about a little bit of good news for a change? Specifically, good news about news. The demise of local newspapers has been a very depressing story in the last few years, with several thousand of them gobbled up by Wall Street profiteers. Those money powers loot the publications’ assets, then callously shut down each […]
The Kennedy Story Was Never That Hot
America’s political scribes would do us a favor if they would drop the word “storied” before the name “Kennedy.” America does not have families that are royal, storied or otherwise special because of the circumstances of members’ birth. Or it shouldn’t. Lest anyone forget the point of the American Revolution, our representatives are not chosen […]
Abortion On The Ballot
The decision of the United States Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization overruling Roe v. Wade may be the best worst thing to happen to Democratic politics in recent years. It is moving voters, and if there was any doubt of that, look at the results in Ohio this week, where a […]
It’s Hot … And Joe Biden Has A Website For That!
Weather forecasters across the Southwest are having a hard time this summer coming up with descriptive taglines for each day’s ever-rising heat. If 105 degrees is “hot,” what to call 110 degrees … and up? Some have quit trying, simply labeling each day: “Again.” Luckily, President Joe Biden has issued bold new steps to counter […]