To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Thursday, January 16, 2025


Reading In Black And White


BY FROMA HARROP Such is our gadget obsession that the launch of a new electronic reader has set off a death match between two new-media gorillas, Apple and Apple’s iPad seeks to end the Amazon Kindle’s domination of the market for devices that let you download books and read them on a screen. The […]

Democracy And Domestic Violence


BY JOE CONASON When the Department of Homeland Security released a cautiously worded report on the potential dangers of right-wing extremism last April, the talk-radio wingnuts and certain Republican lawmakers went into spasms of indignation. Clearly, that report – an innocuous nine-page document commissioned by the previous Republican administration – had been conjured up by […]

Walmart: The Inhuman Essence Of A Corporate ‘Person’


BY JIM HIGHTOWER I’m curious about those five Supreme Court justices who recently decreed that a corporation is a “person” with human rights: Do you think they ever met Mr. Walmart? If they had, they’d be forced to concede that corporate personhood is a sheer fantasy, for there is nothing even remotely human about the […]

Rejection Season


BY SUSAN ESTRICH Yesterday, Stanford University announced it had accepted a mere 7.2% of the tens of thousands of high school seniors across the country who applied for admission to the class of 2014. Other highly selective schools will be making similar announcements in the days ahead. Meanwhile, in the world of law school admissions, […]

Down With Political Prognostications


BY FROMA HARROP Political sages turn today’s polling and past voter behavior into confident predictions about upcoming elections. That’s their job. But fortune-tellers may do nearly as well, especially when the vote takes place months in the future. Public sentiment can shift on a dime, and in any case, isn’t always properly measured. You know […]