To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable
The Bogus Crime Wave
BY ALEXANDER COCKBURN Nothing more easily elicits roars of assent across a good slice of the political spectrum than the hoarse alarums that wave after wave of brown-skinned illegals continually flood across the border, plunging neighborhoods and whole cities into an inferno of crime, overwhelming cops and prosecutors, clogging the justice system, cramming the prisons. […]
Americans Can Speak For Themselves On Health Care
BY FROMA HARROP Have you voted on any of the Democratic health care reform plans? Me neither. No such vote was ever taken. But with coordination that the Rockettes would envy, Republicans insist that “the American people have spoken” on the matter, and they want the proposals killed. House Republican Leader John Boehner: “The American […]
Zazi Case Vindicates Justice
BY JOE CONASON Before Najibullah Zazi is finally dispatched to a secure cellblock for good, it is important to remember how the taxi driver-turned-terrorist was brought to justice – and why the critics who jeered his civilian prosecution were dead wrong. By convicting Zazi and pursuing the leads that his capture and interrogation have provided, […]
Fighting The Subversion Of Our People’s Sovereignty
BY JIM HIGHTOWER As you’ve probably heard, corporations are now “people” – humanoids that are equivalent to you and me. This miraculous metamorphosis happened on Jan. 21. Accompanied by a blinding bolt of lightning, and a terrifying jolt of thunder, five Dr. Frankensteins on the Supreme Court threw a judicial switch that endowed these pulseless […]
For The Love Of Hersh
BY SUSAN ESTRICH When I was growing up, we never had a dog. My mother told us we would be too sad when it died. She was not one for that “better to have loved and lost” business. Loss, to be spared at all cost, could at least be avoided on the pet front by […]