To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Calling Monica Lewinsky!


BY ALEXANDER COCKBURN The American political system is nicely balanced so that certain foul deeds – like throwing poor women off the welfare rolls, or cutting old people’s pensions – are handed off to Democrats, who put on a better act, tears streaming down their faces as they protest that they must kill in order […]

What Went Wrong?


BY SUSAN ESTRICH Something has gone very wrong. Was it just a year ago that Democrats assumed more control in Washington than the party has had in my lifetime? It was. Was it just a year ago that President Obama promised a new era of change, bipartisanship and transparency? It was. Just weeks into office, […]

Why Evan Bayh Should Not Jump Ship


BY FROMA HARROP In an essay titled, “Why I’m Leaving the Senate,” Evan Bayh brilliantly explains what’s wrong with the Senate and how to fix it. If only the headline had read, “Why I’m Not Leaving the Senate” – or better, “Things I Will Do If Indiana Voters Give Me Another 6 Years.” Bayh is […]

Greed Trophy Up For Grabs


BY JIM HIGHTOWER By gollies, the top executives of health insurance corporations are not giving up without a fight! To paraphrase every high school football coach who ever lived, “When the going gets ugly, the ugly get going.” During the past several months, the Barons of Wall Street had established themselves as the vilest and […]

The Coolness Of Old Florida


BY FROMA HARROP LAKE WORTH, FL – California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s recent dig that Florida is “for the old people” cut locals here to the quick. “Florida’s not cool to a 20-year-old, and it has to be,” retail executive Larry Levine told the Economic Council of Palm Beach County. His own children have gone west. […]