To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Repubs Out Of Touch As Middle Class Sinks


BY JIM HIGHTOWER American politics is a hoot! Where else can raw ignorance rise to such high places – and then flaunt itself shamelessly for all to see? For example, who needs Jay Leno or Conan O’Brien for comic relief, when we’ve got Andre Bauer? He’s the lieutenant governor of South Carolina, a state, by […]

The Value Of Diversity


BY SUSAN ESTRICH Diversity is not just a nice thing. It isn’t just about fairness or equal opportunity. Diversity is good business, essential business, especially for companies that market to women – or are covered by them. If you have any doubt, consider the iPad. Is there a woman in America who did not laugh, […]

Swing For Fences Or Lose


BY FROMA HARROP Is there a patriot in the house? Is there anyone in Washington who regards governing as a means to accomplish anything other than win the sterile game of Democrat versus Republican? Every day, American soldiers risk their lives for their country, but people in Congress won’t even risk their jobs to pass […]

Hope In The Deep Freeze


BY JOE CONASON On the eve of his first State of the Union Address, Barack Obama confided that he would “rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president.” But his proposal to freeze domestic spending is exactly the kind of policy that could result in four years of stagnation – rewarded […]

The Supreme Coup


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Despite 234 years of progress toward the American ideal of equality for all, we still have to battle unfairness. How happy, then, to learn that a handful of our leaders in Washington took bold and forceful action last week to lift another group of downtrodden Americans from the pits of injustice, helping […]