To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable
Dems Should Stay Cool About Mid-Terms
BY FROMA HARROP The midterm elections this November have spawned midyear panic, largely by Democrats. With their majorities in the Senate and House, Democrats have the most to lose. And historically, the president’s party sheds congressional seats at this point in the electoral cycle. But c’mon. Of what possible predictive use is a poll taken […]
Let House Prices Do What They Must
BY FROMA HARROP To paraphrase Yogi Berra, the bubble’s not over till the last drop splatters. That is certainly the case with the housing bubble. Home prices that seemed to be strengthening over the summer have again slipped, according to the S&P Case-Shiller index. Neither low interest rates nor a fat tax credit for homebuyers […]
Six Things To Do In 2010
BY JIM HIGHTOWER In my travels, I’ve heard many cries of despair from you good folks about the timorous Obama presidency. On issue after issue, it’s been go-slow and don’t-rock-the-corporate boat. “Where’s the ‘audacity of hope?’” people are asking. “Where’s the ‘change you can believe in?’” The answer is that in our country’s democracy, audacity […]
We’d Be Happy To Do This ‘Strip Tease’
BY FROMA HARROP U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz proudly championed a measure last spring that bans whole-body imaging as a primary screening technique at airports. “You don’t have to look at my wife and 8-year-old daughter naked to secure an airplane,” the Utah Republican said. As a matter of fact, you do. The very technology that […]
Hoping For A New Ethic In 2010
BY JIM HIGHTOWER This special season got me to thinking about America’s spirit of giving, and I don’t mean this overdone business of Christmas gifts. I mean our true spirit of giving – giving of ourselves. Yes, we are a country of rugged individualists, yet there’s also a deep, community-minded streak in each of us. […]