To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, January 12, 2025


How’s Our Economy Doing?


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Most economists, media outlets and politicos judge economic performance by such statistical indicators as the Dow Jones Average. Aren’t there better indicators than stock prices? has found several that it says could be more accurate – such as the size of restaurant garbage piles. The bigger the pile, the better – […]

Tiger’s Feet Of Clay


BY SUSAN ESTRICH Nine women. And counting. When did this guy find time to play golf? And taste? Shall we put this nicely? This was not about intellect. It was not about character. My favorite so far is the pancake waitress, who would go from her $8 an hour job to playing with Tiger. Tiger […]

America’s Clean Energy Defeatists


BY FROMA HARROP The United States used to be the can-do country. A respect for science married to the entrepreneurial spirit propelled America to the forefront of global progress and made it rich. But a late-20th Century malaise had crept in, fueled by a conservative hostility to modern science and public investment. On the fight […]

Politicizing Crime


BY FROMA HARROP It’s over for Mike Huckabee. His presidential hopes will not survive revelations that as governor of Arkansas he had commuted the long prison term of the now-dead Maurice Clemmons, suspected of gruesomely murdering four police officers in Lakewood, WA. This awful crime was about more than one politician’s dreadful judgment. It may […]

The Crushing Legacy Of Bush-Cheney


BY JOE CONASON From now on, the headlines about Afghanistan will be slugged “Obama’s War,” and perhaps that is fair enough given the president’s many endorsements of what he has called a war of necessity. It would be much less fair, however, to ignore the events that led us to this moment, when whatever choice […]