To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, January 12, 2025


Obama’s War


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Hi-ho, hi-ho, it’s off to war we go! Pound the drums loudly, stand with your country proudly! Wait, wait, wait – hold it right there. Cut the music, slow the rush, and let’s all ponder what Barack Obama, Robert Gates, Stanley McChrystal and Co. are getting us into … and whether we […]

Holiday Remnants


BY SUSAN ESTRICH The last Thanksgiving of my childhood started out promisingly enough. It was 1969, and we were going to my parents’ best friends’ house. I had a crush on their second oldest son, and with luck [a lot of it], we’d end up in his room listening to Led Zeppelin. He was much […]

Working On Apps Not Abs


BY FROMA HARROP This is a nation of goose-necked children hunched over their electronics in front of a TV. They will turn into goose-necked adults with vitamin D deficiencies, the result of spending their sunny hours downloading songs in darkened rooms. Obesity will plague many of them. Clearly, America would do better health-wise [and health-care-spending-wise] […]

Understanding Our Hollow ‘Centrists’


BY JOE CONASON The puzzling thing about politicians of either party who claim to be “centrist” or “moderate” is how much they sometimes sound like party-line right-wing Republicans. Distinguishing among these species of politicians can be almost impossible during the current struggle over health care reform, especially when a senator like Blanche Lambert Lincoln of […]

Whom Can You Trust On Climate Change?


BY FROMA HARROP When President Obama attends the United Nations meeting on climate in Copenhagen, you can be sure that the deniers of global warming will go on a romp. They’ll dredge up weather forecasters, scientists hungry for attention and various grudge-holders to argue that the Earth’s temperature isn’t rising, or that if it is, […]