To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, January 12, 2025


Do You Recognize Your President?


BY SUSAN ESTRICH There’s an old saying that hard cases make bad law. The same rule, unfortunately, applies to presidential decisions. What makes a case hard, of course, is when there is no “good” answer. The challenge for the decision maker is to find the least of the bad, the lesser of the evils. But […]

A Year Of Obama


BY ALEXANDER COCKBURN A year after Obama’s triumphant election, hauling substantial majorities in the House and Senate on his coattails, the progressive sector sits trying to warm its hands before the bonfire of all its hopes. An awful “health reform” bill has cleared the House and is now headed for marriage with some even more […]

Testing Next Year’s Lies Today


BY JOE CONASON Within hours after the House of Representatives approved health care reform by a narrow margin, Republicans predicted retribution at the polls next fall. They promised to make every Democrat regret that historic vote as the first step toward the reversal of power in Washington. And as the current debate has proved, they […]

Casinos Take Money From States


BY FROMA HARROP In Las Vegas, house prices have dropped 55% since peaking in August 2006, and the foreclosure rate is seven times the national average. Gigantic new condo towers sit nearly empty [real-estate pros call them “see-through buildings”], and unemployment tops 13%. The recession has sent casino revenues plunging 20% from two years ago. […]

Real Recovery Is Easy To Spell: J-O-B-S


BY JIM HIGHTOWER The recession is over! The economy is growing! The Dow Jones is above 10,000! Bankers are pocketing profits and fat bonuses! Happy days are here again! Unless, of course, you’re just a regular working stiff struggling with falling income and rising unemployment – and sensing that your family’s grip on middle-class life […]