To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, January 12, 2025


Who Deserves Wall Street Bonuses?


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Wall Street bankers are really mad these days – in both senses of that word! You’d think these whizzes of speculative finance would be ecstatically happy and filled with gratitude, not anger. After all, having crashed our economy, they were allowed to keep their cushy jobs, get bailed out with trillions of […]

The Population Boomerang In Iran


BY FROMA HARROP Iranian students are engaging this week in Round Two of their street-level struggle for reform. Round One took place last June, when young people protested the fixed re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. About 30 people died in those huge demonstrations. That was a remarkably low number given the brutal tendencies of the […]

Hold The Sneakers


BY SUSAN ESTRICH To be honest, I don’t care whether Valerie Jarrett plays basketball or not. And I certainly would hate to see Ambassador Susan Rice, known to be a good player, missing meetings at the United Nations so she can make it to the White House court. Last week, the president’s all-male basketball game […]

A Winning Compromise?


BY JOE CONASON The Senate leadership’s decision to include the “public option” in its health care reform legislation seemed at first almost miraculous, especially to anyone who believed the hundreds of obituaries recited in the media over the past several months. But by acting on their convictions rather than their fears, the Democrats could ultimately […]

What Does The FHA Think It’s Doing?


BY FROMA HARROP Exactly who made Bernadine Shimon think that she could buy a new house shortly after declaring bankruptcy and losing another home to foreclosure? The American taxpayer, that’s who. Without a Federal Housing Administration willing to guarantee a $125,000-plus mortgage, this Denver-area schoolteacher’s recurring “dream of homeownership” could not come to pass. Shimon’s […]