To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable
Healthcare Hypocrites
BY JIM HIGHTOWER How do you spell “hypocrisy”? Try this: “H-Y-P-O-C-O-N-G-R-E-S-S.” The hypocongress consists of those Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats who have risen up on their hind legs in recent weeks to snarl and howl at any mention of a government role in meeting America’s health care needs. “Socialism,” they bark – we won’t […]
Vaccine Supply And The Public Option
BY SUSAN ESTRICH My internist told me he is now using the technique he learned many decades ago in the military, when supplies of vaccine were short and they had to split doses. I wouldn’t even think of asking. But I did ask my rheumatologist, since rheumatoid arthritis is one of those things that makes […]
The Phantom Of The Option
BY FROMA HARROP The public option, we hear, is about to take earthly form. While congressional leaders working to combine five health care reform bills will determine its final shape, a government-run health plan to compete with the private offerings will almost surely become reality. And the specter of a populist uprising against it will […]
Time Flying
BY SUSAN ESTRICH It’s Friday, and I’m tired. I worked hard this week. I didn’t sleep as much, or as well, as I should have. I came home early to write this column and take a nap. It’s hard to write while you’re tired, but no one’s life depends on it. The troubling news about […]
Playing Monopoly With America’s Health
BY JOE CONASON Popular disgust over the fat premiums that financial executives bestow upon themselves is burgeoning, and rightly so. Those Wall Street piggy banks are filling up with billions upon billions of government-subsidized dollars. But anyone infuriated by the grossly inflated compensation of the masters of finance should check out the incredible earnings of […]