To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable
The Reality Of Economic Recovery
BY JIM HIGHTOWER Great news, America! Having just celebrated Labor Day, we can now bask in the revelation that our long economic nightmare is over. Forget recession, much less a depression, our country is poised to spring into a new era of financial prosperity! We know that this is so because we’re being told so […]
Holder Should Do Some Remembering
BY FROMA HARROP America will soon mark the eighth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The replays of burning buildings and piercing screams will bring back jagged memories of that horrific day. This would be a useful time for U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to rethink his decision to go back over cases […]
Cracked Justice Enabled Girl Rape Case
BY FROMA HARROP Many astounding details surround the story of the California rapist who kidnapped an 11-year-old and kept her captive for 18 years. None shocks more than the raw fact that Phillip Garrido was not locked up, the key lost. In 1976, Garrido abducted and raped 25-year-old Katherine Callaway Hall. The woman says she was […]
Holding Wall Street Bankers Accountable
BY JIM HIGHTOWER Don’t you wish that someone in authority, someone with an ounce of chutzpah, someone with his or her head screwed on right, would direct a few obvious, pointed, even rude questions to the Wall Street honchos who have ripped off America? Questions like: Who, exactly, in your bank directed the rip-off? Who […]
In Memory Of Teddy
BY SUSAN ESTRICH It’s been a long and ugly weekend, e-mail wise. Ted Kennedy may be gone, but the haters are still out there. Every time I said a nice word, my BlackBerry would start vibrating. “Did everyone like Ted Kennedy?” one of the Fox anchors asked me. Certainly not everyone in America. There was […]