To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable
Mother Knows Best
BY SUSAN ESTRICH The president is “not familiar” with the bill. No one can explain how it will work yet, as Sen. Ben Cardin, D-MD, told a contentious town meeting. There are various plans, and negotiations are still in the early stages. But whatever it is, we should be for it. Am I missing something? […]
The Logic Of A Locavore
BY FROMA HARROP “Spoiled: Organic and Local Is So 2008,” read the headline in Mother Jones magazine. You can imagine the snark that followed. It takes no special aim to make fun of culinary obsessions over artisan goat cheeses and organic baby squashes – though you wonder why fixations on baseball statistics and iPhone apps […]
Summer In Washington
BY SUSAN ESTRICH The stimulus program must really be succeeding in Washington, DC. Government is hiring; people are working. In fact, if news reports are to be believed, they’re working night and day. So maybe there’s some sleep deprivation thrown in for good measure. And don’t forget the legendary heat and humidity that made service […]
Mature Women Want Their Stories On Screen
BY FROMA HARROP Back when the boomers were babes, the girls would strut and preen around a stylish health food restaurant in Manhattan. No one took much note of a 70ish woman in comfy shoes who would sit quietly along the wall at lunch. She was Greta Garbo. Garbo famously enjoyed her privacy and accepted […]
Pelosi’s Toothless Commission
BY JOE CONASON Very soon, Congressional leaders are expected to announce the creation of a new commission to investigate the real causes of America’s crippling financial disaster. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has reportedly told Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner that this investigative panel will be modeled on the legendary “Pecora Commission,” which held a series of […]