To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Thursday, January 16, 2025


It’s The Economy, Joe, And Only The Economy


Joe Biden’s supporters – and perhaps Biden himself – can’t understand why the presidential poll numbers on the economy aren’t better. Why is he getting so little credit for so much good news on inflation, wages, jobs and the recovery of American manufacturing? Donald Trump’s idea of a strong economy centered on the stock market, […]

No Labels, No Way


It’s a nice sounding idea for a political science paper. A common-sense third-party alternative, to inject some substance into the presidential debate. It’s heavy on the guidelines, pushes some important limits, but mouth the words “Ralph Nader” and you can remind yourself of how real politics works. Care to elect Donald Trump? Sorry, but what […]

Why You Can’t Believe A Word Anti-Abortion Politicos Say


Unfortunately, it’s 1984 again in America. Not the year. The book. George Orwell’s classic novel tells of a far-right totalitarian clique that uses “newspeak” and “doublethink” to impose their rigid, antidemocratic doctrine on society. Their regime held power through mind control: They had a “Ministry of Truth” for perverting language and manipulating facts, while their […]

Hollywood Strikes Need To Worry About Bad Actors


The Hollywood screenwriters picketing studios since May know that having famous actors beside them brings more attention to their cause. And the media got real interested in their strike when they could write headlines like “Hollywood Stars Join the Writers’ Picket Line.” The reporters immediately started to interview the celebrities. [Did they bring their autograph […]

There Are No Moderates In The Republican Race


The race to beat former President Donald Trump for the Republican nomination for president is not, much as some of us might wish, a race to the middle, but a race to the right. That has been painfully clear watching his strongest challenger, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, in his twisted attack on Trump for being […]