To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Thursday, January 9, 2025


Are Latinos Ethnics Or A Racial Minority?


BY FROMA HARROP Some years ago, I shared cocktails along San Antonio’s River Walk with Richard Estrada, the legendary columnist for The Dallas Morning News. Estrada would trace the nuances of the Mexican-American experience while framing it in the long sweep of American history. I recall saying that U.S.-born Latinos didn’t seem so much a […]

Big Bankers Mount Sneak Attacks On Consumers


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Have you received your thank-you note? I’m still waiting for mine. More than a year into the Wall Street bailout, I’ve yet to get any sort of “thank you” from even a single one of the big banks that you and I propped up with $12 trillion in direct giveaways, indirect giveaways, […]

What Mothers Know


BY SUSAN ESTRICH You don’t need a briefing book on being a mother to answer this one: What do you do when your daughter comes home complaining that she wants to drop off the swim team or quit the play or, with the little ones, never go to school again because the other kids are […]

Cities Are Back – But For How Long?


BY FROMA HARROP Why are cities growing faster than the rest of the country? That’s happening and reverses a decade-long trend, according to new U.S. Census figures. Gainers in 2008 included such diverse locations as Chicago, Los Angeles, Columbus, Ohio, and Lincoln, NE. The Census found that cities losing people, such as Cleveland, were shrinking […]

Suddenly, $1 Trillion Is Too Expensive?


BY JOE CONASON If Americans hope to discuss health care, climate change, green economics or public infrastructure with any degree of realism, then the time has come to acknowledge that hearing someone say “a trillion dollars” is no reason to panic. Politicians and pundits cite that figure to argue that we cannot afford health care […]