To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, May 5, 2024


Clickbait Fuels Obsession On Biden’s Age


The special counsel report claiming that Joe Biden’s memory had seriously declined stinks to high political heaven. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe saw “nauseating similarities” to the agency’s investigation of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. To recap, 11 days before the 2016 election, then-FBI director James Comey said that the investigation of Clinton’s handling of […]

A Supreme Compromise


If there was one lesson to be learned from Bush v. Gore, and its impact on the Supreme Court’s credibility, it is that the court should not decide presidential elections. That job belongs to the people: in the case of Donald Trump, to voters and juries. What that means in practice is that the court […]

High Court’s Corporate Supremacists Ride Again


Heeere they come again: The wrecking crew of Alito, Barrett, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Roberts and Thomas – the six plutocratic judicial supremacists determined to force their personal political biases on all of us. The latest ploy of this right-wing cabal is to gut the ability of public agencies to issue regulations protecting people from health care […]

A False And Unfair Confusion


One of them confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi – both are, after all, women, whose first initial begins with an “N.” One of them confused the president of Mexico with the president of Egypt, while the other confused the leaders of Hungary and Turkey. What does it prove? Basically, nothing. Certainly nothing about who […]

What Presidents Spend Money On Really Matters


What matters is not just the sum by which presidents jack up the deficit. It’s what the money is spent on. Franklin D. Roosevelt added more to the national debt by percentage than any other president. America needed that borrowing to dig itself out of the Great Depression and then win World War II. The […]