To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, June 29, 2024


Less Than Chivalrous Sam


Sam Alito is so ugly that he can’t even see his ugliness. I don’t mean looks, but the deep inner ugliness of character that keeps oozing from this so-called “supreme” judge. Start with the unabashed lies he told senators to win his lifetime appointment to America’s powerfully undemocratic judicial branch. Lie No. 1 was his […]

The Last Good Republican


Finding the last good Republican president was not hard in light of the moving 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion on the beaches and by the cliffs of Normandy, France. In military annals, the Allies storming Nazi-occupied France on June 6, 1944, went down as the most extraordinary land, air and seaborne invasion ever. American, […]

No, You’re Not A ‘Political Prisoner’


“I am a political prisoner,” declared former President Donald Trump the day after his 34-count felony conviction. If we were to take that remark seriously, it would quickly become obvious that Trump is not, in fact, a political prisoner but merely a remorseless criminal. Unlike actual political prisoners, who never hesitate to take the witness […]

What If Our Lawmakers Were Working Class People?


Whatzamatta with Congress? And most of our state legislatures, too? Why do these so-called representative bodies keep stiffing middle-class and poor families, refusing to respond to the most urgent needs and goals of this vast majority of Americans? Take lawmakers’ indifference to the child care crisis crushing the finances, health and spirit of millions of […]

The State Of The Race


The convictions should have made a difference. But did they? I was more troubled by what came out at Donald Trump’s trial than I thought I would be. I had initially thought that the district attorney’s case was much ado about not much. But the trial changed my mind. It was not much ado about […]