To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, September 21, 2024




BY SUSAN ESTRICH I don’t hate George Bush. I never have. I voted against him twice. I disagree with him, sometimes passionately. I think the country is in worse shape now than it was eight years ago, and that history will not be kind to him. I think America’s standing in the world has dropped […]

When, Not If, Taxes Will Be Raised


BY FROMA HARROP During the presidential campaign, Barack Obama portrayed his tax plan as a way to help “spread the wealth around.” That was an unfortunate choice of words, though not as silly as the “conservative” formulation that raising taxes “punishes success.” The object of taxation is not to spread the wealth and certainly not […]

For Love Of Israel


BY SUSAN ESTRICH “Go back to the oven,” the woman in her hijab in Fort Lauderdale, FL, yelled to the Jewish Americans demonstrating their support for Israel. “You need a big oven, that’s what you need.” This is why I love Israel and always have. It is because Israel will never surrender to their hatred. […]

Richardson Fumbles, Obama Recovers


BY FROMA HARROP There are those who regard politics as sport and those who see it as an adjunct to government. They frame things very differently. When New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson exited as commerce secretary nominee, the sports fans saw a dropped ball by an otherwise flawless player, Barack Obama. The good government crowd […]

Timing Is Wrong For Phony Thrift


BY JOE CONASON As the government contemplates spending very large sums of money, it is reassuring to know that somebody still worries about waste. Or it would be reassuring, if only that somebody were not Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader, who promises that he and his fellow Republicans will “protect taxpayers against the rush […]