To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, December 28, 2024


Gas Prices Could Actually Help Harris


Americans focused on inflation seem especially tuned into the price of gasoline. While inflation has been fading away, many prices remain higher than they were two years ago. But not for gasoline. That’s getting cheaper. The average price at the pump nationally is now about $3.26, which is down $1.73 from the high in June […]

A Scorching Political Summer – Not Over Yet


WASHINGTON – “Summer’s lease hath all too short a date,” wrote Shakespeare, but the Bard didn’t know what the summer of ’24 had in store. The cicadas are still singing, but they won’t be for long. The days are getting shorter, the nights fall faster. And the garden knows it; the last batch of zinnias […]

‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ Is Not A Hoax


Years before former President Donald Trump seized upon the Big Lie that the 2020 presidential election had been stolen, he insistently promoted another supersized falsehood – namely that charges of Russian interference in the 2016 election were “a hoax.” His minions in the media, from Fox News down to the lowliest web trolls, have incessantly […]

Harris Must Defeat Trump To Save The Democracy. That’s Her Job.


Presidential elections of yore were not like this one. Would the media kindly get that into their collective skull? Many journalists seem to think that the reluctance of Kamala Harris to sit down for searing in-depth interviews on “the issues” is a major issue. The one she did with CNN rested on the old gotcha […]

Right-Wing Attack On Social Security Is Un-American


Right-wing ideologues are mounting a three-pronged fraud trying to delegitimize Social Security, slash its benefits, and then – zzzzzt! – kill it. First, they tried to demonize our public retirement program as a socialist horror. That hasn’t worked, since this pension literally works, allowing millions of workaday American families to escape old-age poverty. So, in […]