To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Self-Delusional Dealer Will Cost Americans

BY GARY EDMONDSON Last week, master dealer in self-delusions Donald Trump announced plans to increase tariffs by another $300 billion on Chinese products. Jason Easley of...

Death Penalty Politics

BY SUSAN ESTRICH I have been studying death penalty politics for decades, largely because I've had to. The death penalty bedeviled Democratic candidates in...

Will Democrats Be Democrats Or Fraidy-Cats?


BY JIM HIGHTOWER “Trust me!” bellowed the billionaire Donald Trump to working-class voters in 2016, promising he’d be the champion of what he called “the forgotten Americans.” Trust him? He’s a lifetime real estate huckster infamous for ripping off workers and opposing union labor. You’d have better odds trusting a coyote to guard your last […]

Inhofe Ignorant Or Just Insulting?

BY GARY EDMONDSON Just how ignorant is Oklahoma’s Sen. Jim Inhofe? Or how stupid does he think we are? In his DC Digest for the July...

Democrats, Get Out Of Your Own Way


BY JOE CONASON Robert Mueller’s testimony disappointed anyone seeking drama, but his performance isn’t the problem. What keeps congressional Democrats from fulfilling their constitutional duty to confront a lawless president is their own political inertia. In his own careful and stolid way, Mueller laid out the facts and arguments provided in his 448-page report [although […]