To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Monday, September 30, 2024


Most Dangerous Man, Part II

BY SHARON MARTIN The most dangerous man in America believes in the Bible. This is not what makes him dangerous. What makes him dangerous is his disdain for...

Enemies Of Our Enemies

BY DAVID PERRYMAN The ancient idea that “The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend” is widely considered to be an old Arab proverb. But...

Economic Hierarchies Require Collaborators

BY GARY EDMONDSON In the May 2018, issue of The Atlantic, Matthew Stewart published an essay on what he called the New Aristocracy. What he was...

Most Dangerous Man

First Of Two Parts BY SHARON MARTIN The most dangerous man in America thinks being gay is a choice. He believes the high rate of suicide among...

School Reform Lesson: Ravitch Was Right

BY JOHN THOMPSON Next January, Diane Ravitch’s long-anticipated book on education reform, Slaying Goliath, will be published but it is being preceded by an anthology,...