To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, September 29, 2024


If Trump Weren’t POTUS, He Would Be Indicted

BY JOE CONASON If Donald Trump were the president of any private or public entity – if he were the president of anything, that is,...

Stealing From Our State Employees

BY RON SHARP I was disappointed when my HB 1953 wasn’t approved this week. It would’ve allowed state agencies to voluntarily pay their employees for...

Wait! You Thought I Was Talking About Venezuela?

BY SHARON MARTIN Consolidate. Trim the government to just a few loyal minions.   Ignore the Constitution. Create an enemy, and promise to save us all, or at least the ones who...

Why Republicans Fail – Part I

BY VERN TURNER Sometimes it just comes at you as so obvious that it can be comical. What motivated me to write this piece are...

Ring Around The Rosie

BY DAVID PERRYMAN Ring around the rosie, Pockets full of posies; Atischoo, atischoo, We all fall down. For generations, this simple rhyme has been heard on playgrounds across the...