To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, September 29, 2024


House Dems Will Protect Trumpistas From Trump

BY GARY EDMONDSON Small children are ripped from their mothers’ arms and put in cages in the United States of America. But they’re not your kids....

A Well Rounded Education

BY DAVID PERRYMAN There are three principles regarding the role of government in American society that overwhelmingly occupy the majority of our time and resources....

Restoring Hope

Proposed Reforms Take Aim At Punitive Licensing Barriers That Illogically Block Ex-Cons From Some Higher Paying, Skilled Jobs BY BRETT DICKERSON It didn't matter that I...

Uncle Joe

BY SUSAN ESTRICH I don't know whether Joe Biden should run for president. I don't know if he will be able to connect with the...

Why We Dare To Hope Again: One Millennial’s Case For Pete Buttigieg

BY CHRISTIAAN MITCHELL Mayor Pete is having a moment right now that has captured much of the nation’s attention. Of course, there are skeptics. And we...