To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, September 28, 2024


Foreigners Shape Up Americans

BY FROMA HARROP The kids are bratty, the parents fighting, the homes a mess. It's remarkable how American domestic life can breed so much dissatisfaction...

Saving Our Habitat A Bipartisan Project

BY GARY EDMONDSON Last fall, my talented nose detected an odor of excess petroleum when I was putting out my flag. The second or third...

Times Are A-Changin’

BY DAVID PERRYMAN When Bob Dylan released his 1964 hit song Times, They are a Changin’he had no idea how prophetic the lyrics were. We...

The Real National Emergency

BY SHARON MARTIN If you were paying attention in 2016, you heard the stories. Contractors who worked for the president’s firms were cheated. It was common practice...

Not The Time For A Woman??

BY MARK Y.A. DAVIES “Not the time for a woman.” Of all the comments that I saw coming from Democrats and progressive independents when Elizabeth Warren...