To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, September 21, 2024


Sasquatch Hunters And UFO Spotters

BY KENNY BELFORD There is nothing "grand" remaining about the Grand Old Party. Once a viable national political force, they have now sunk to a...

Oklahoma’s Elected Tools

BY KAREN WEBB An open letter to the Oklahoma Congressional Delegation: First to the entire delegation, including our own little blue dog – too little, too...

LBJ-Style Woodshedding

BY RICHARD L. FRICKER What was most interesting about last night’s speech was the faces of the various Republican Congressmen. I don't think it ever...

Bless Those Crazy Wingnuts

BY DEBORAH LEWIS I was off work today so I had the opportunity to listen to President Obama's speech to school children. What a brilliant,...

What If Gore Had Won?

BY EDWIN E. VINEYARD Recently a very nice column appeared in the Enid News, written by a talented staff columnist. It recognized the passing of...