To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, September 21, 2024


Silly Season

BY ARNOLD HAMILTON First, it was death panels. Now, the wingnuts claim President Obama wants to “indoctrinate” America’s school children. Egad! All the nation’s chief executive...

The Party Of Lincoln?

BY JEFF HAMILTON The recent report of Sen. Tom Coburn’s Town Hall meeting in Oklahoma City reflects the waffling and subterfuge of some in the...

Rx: Bake Sales, Car Washes

BY KENNY BELFORD Congressman John Sullivan stated at a Town Hall meeting that his insurance carrier hasn't yet paid $24,000 for his stint at the...

Just Get Us Out!

BY EDWIN E. VINEYARD Mr. Obama, just get us out! Get us out of Iraq! Get us out of Afghanistan! There is little being accomplished by...

Insurance Reform Follies

BY CAROLYN WATERMAN Are you as embarrassed as I am to have Tom Coburn as one of our senators? I wrote him today and told him...