To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, September 21, 2024


Health Reform By The Numbers

BY KENNY BELFORD As September approaches, so does the moment of decision on real health care reform. The real contest starts when members of Congress...

Un-American Activities

BY EDWIN E. VINEYARD The last contribution of the Militant Moderate was entitled “Unruly Mobs Chill Democracy.” The truth of that one has been borne...

‘It’s About Damn Time’

BY KENNY BELFORD In the Aug. 19 New York Times they published a story indicating Democratic leaders are preparing to go it alone on health...

Setting The Record Straight

BY DALE DENWALT When I arrived at U.S. Rep. Dan Boren's Town Hall meeting in Muskogee, I walked upstairs to find two ladies standing side-by-side next...

A Realistic Blueprint

BY BEN SANDERS It appears from the press coverage this weekend that the public option may be dead. If that is the case then common sense...