To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, September 22, 2024


The Cover-Up

BY KAREN WEBB So the United States Senate says we will hide our abuses. I think they think that the world doesn't care, but I...

Certifying Citizenship

BY KAREN WEBB People keep clamoring for Barack Obama's original birth record. Take it from a family history researcher, I would be extremely surprised if...

A No-Brainer

BY FRANK P. BELCASTRO Healthcare costs are killing us. After paying more than any other country in the world, we get the 37th best coverage....

A Civil Society?

BY CECIL ACUFF Oklahoma Highway Patrol Trooper Dan Martin took medic Paul Franks' middle-finger gesture as a sign of defiance. Should every road-rager react in...

What Is True Definition Of Marriage?

BY JAMES NIMMO As a semi-professional musician I provided music at the same-gender marriage recently of two friends of mine, the latest ceremony of uncountable...