To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable
The Truth About American Oil Production
Thanks to energy producers, from rig hands to billionaire Harold Hamm, our country is energy independent and actually is a net exporter of both...
Unholy Alliance Immolates Planet
What has long been the summer song of the southern plains has gained new listeners; NBC provided the refrain:
“Dangerous and record-breaking.” Heat wave will...
Blame Where It Belongs
If and when term-limited legislative leaders unveil plans to seek higher office, remember this: it was they who fiddled while Oklahoma public education burned...
Oklahoma Ratepayers ‘Know Garbage When They Smell It’
When Corporation Commissioners Todd Hiett and Dana Murphy voted to approve the multi-decade 2021 Winter Storm bond deals for OG&E, ONG, PSO...
Trump Just Latest Victim Of Political Violence In America
As a freshman student at OU in 1963 I'll never forget the events of the day when President John Kennedy was murdered in Dallas....