To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable
Plundering People Power
The next time state legislators swear they’re devoted to protecting your rights, fact-check them.
Chances are, they voted this session to curtail your constitutional authority...
Fantasists Already Thrive In Our World
As the baseball season approached recently, I went looking for a preview magazine. A magazine in this digital age? Others rolled their eyes, too.
It Starts With Education
Educator Dr. Robin Fuxa is running for Oklahoma Senate in District 21. I had the opportunity to sit down with her to discuss issues...
Do You Like Your Freedom In America?
What are you going to do to keep it?
In 2003 50% of the citizens of the world lived under the domination of tyrants in...
Squandering Precious Tax Dollars
If this session proved anything, it’s Oklahoma’s current crop of lawmakers has an insatiable appetite for testing the Constitution’s limits.
And why not?
When legislation ends...