To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable
Standoff Over Transparent Budget-Writing
Eyes roll anytime legislative leaders pledge more budget-writing transparency.
It’s pure reflex. It can’t be helped. It’s ingrained in those who pay even the remotest...
Bidenomics in Oklahoma: A Big F—in’ Deal
During his State of the Union address, President Joe Biden reminded us with a wry smile that ObamaCare “is still a very big deal.”...
Trump Targets Senior Supporters
Since former Oklahoma Republican Rep. Mickey Edwards called out the cult-like devotion of Donald Trump’s followers in 2021, more and more people have come...
The Executioner’s Thong
Like most violent crimes, the November 2021 homicide of Rob Andrew was despicable. Andrew was killed with two blasts from a shotgun. The shooting...