To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Sunday, May 12, 2024


Bigoted Bloviator Invokes Nazi-Style Rhetoric

Teachers are terrorists. Gay people are filth. Libraries are filled with porn.Westville Sen. Tom Woods is the author of the filth comment. State Superintendent...

GOP Senator Didn’t Drink The Kool-Aid, Proposes New State Agency

Egads! Apparently, new state Sen. Kristin Thompson, R-Edmond, somehow missed the meeting where all Oklahoma Republicans swore on their well-worn Bibles to support and...

Congress’ Complicity

The murder of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny is confirmed. Just one more reason to expedite aid to patriots in Ukraine as they battle for...

Cosmic Battle Of The Sexes Plays Out In Our Daily Lives

Two major ideological battlefields pit those who would despoil Earth for short-term profits against those who realize that human viability depends upon a healthy...

Hanging On To Hope

Remember when the Grand Old Party impeached a president for lying about having sex with an intern? The Moral Majority was outraged.Now, it makes...