To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Feb’24 Newsmakers

  State Rep. Mickey Dollens, center, and Freedom Oklahoma's Nicole McAfee, right, join Observer Editor Arnold Hamilton for Feb. 8's Newsmakers at OKC's Full Circle...

Jul’21 Newsmakers

Young Democrats of America President Joshua Harris-Till, right, and ACLU-Oklahoma's Nicole McAfee join Observer Editor Arnold Hamilton for July's Newsmakers, featuring a lively discussion...

Mar’18 Oklahoma Observer Newsmakers

State Rep. Collin Walke, right, and Rev. Lori Walke discuss the plight of working Oklahomans and the upcoming teacher walkout with Observer Editor Arnold...

Oklahoma Observer Newsmaker on Education and Children

Oklahoma politics and its effect on education and the children of Oklahoma with State Representative George Young and Joe Dorman, former State Representative now...

Oct’21 Newsmakers

At Oct. 14 Newsmakers at Full Circle Books, state Rep. Collin Walke, right, and Observer Editor Arnold Hamilton discuss Walke's legislative efforts to protect...